International Women’s Day

My first thought when I realized it was International Women’s day and began receiving emails about company sales was ugh, which triggered a strong resistance to the pressure of capitalism. This reared irritation and an avoidance mechanism, that also could be heightened by the PMS I am experiencing. Non the less there is wisdom in each reaction. So, I did some research to learn what the roots of this day are. I was inspired by what I found. A rich historical background starting in 1909 and became an honored day in 1911 in Europe. This was a movement that continued through many marches, conferences, campaigns, and I am sure many more underground activities not to be named in the history books. One was called the strike of “bread and peace” which settled on the day of March 8th and four days later women got the right to vote. Women gathered and raised their voices and held their bodies on the line against war, violence, rights to vote, work environments, equal wages, politics and equality in all areas of life.

Although, I did not directly experience this feminist movement, today I reap the benefit of my great grandmothers and grandmothers’ devotion. I do feel the implications and effect of this process in the cells of my body. The same body that I walk through the world with each day. So, I feel the need to speak to inter-generational/trans-generational trauma, through the lens of a women’s body. When I see a women or girl walking down the street or in my clinic. I know that she is carrying within her, not only her own directly experienced trauma, but also the trauma of her maternal lineage. As well as the harmful collective conditioning that we women receive throughout our lives. You may be confused by this and ask how is that possible? The image above depicts this, as well as this quote, “A female fetus is born with all the eggs she will ever have in her lifetime. So, when your grandmother was carrying your mother in her womb. You were a tiny egg in your mother’s ovaries. See this link for a very short YouTube video that breaks it down. In short, as tiny cells, we were carried in our grandmothers womb, within our mother. There is much research and information about how trauma is passed through DNA, behavior and experiences.


My travels in Europe taught me about my ancestry and today I want to take a breath to honor the fight that my maternal lineage walked, actively or passively, so that I can be the women I am today. I also want to acknowledge that we women carry the wounds of this oppression within us still. Sometimes, I feel things that I cannot explain or understand. Like when my reaction is strong to certain seemingly minor situation. I now know it is because my cells know the pain of the past and as wise women Katja Duregger said “pain wanders through families until somebody is willing to feel it”.


This is the healing. Coming home to our bodies.


For me, this day is about educating myself and being inspired by the incredible women and sisters that I share the path with and support me to feel the hard stuff. The sisters who hold me in understanding when fear fills my body about supporting myself as a single women entrepreneur. Explaining that the roots of this run deep. Reminding me that women did not have earning power for many generations. Or when I have something controversial to say but I am scared of what others reactions might be and how this will affect my business. I know that women were literally burned for stepping outside of the patriarchal norm, especially in healing and medicine. I also want to speak to the women still living in oppression to this day. Many women presently live these atrocities in many parts of the world and corners of our towns and cities.

I want to honor the men I have met traveling who hold beautiful space for women and listen deeply when we cover the topics of a women’s menstrual cycle, birth and the feeling of rage about inequality in sport (surfing for me). I greatly thank all the women I have met recently and who I have known for many years for living with such heart and bravery. I see your struggles and your triumphs.

Here is to holding space for and healing the past, both for ourselves and the next generation of women to walk the earth.


With love Melody


Sweet Summer


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