Let’s Chat About Coffee


Café, Kaffee, Qahwa, Caffè, Koffie, Kaffe, Kāfēi, Kopi, Kōhī, Keopi, Kofe, Koffie, Kahvi, Kafés, Kofee, Kaffi, Cafea, Kaffe, Cuppa, Java etc.

Often, when discussing diet and lifestyle with patients, I hear the response “I drink coffee, I know it’s bad”.

My response is…well that depends.

We used to joke in TCM school that the most common response from our professors was “it depends” because in our medicine we don’t treat symptoms or illness we treat individuals and patterns. So, simply there is no “right” or “wrong” way. No one herb or magic point will change your life. It depends on the unique person in relationship with nature.

When it comes to drinking coffee it’s complex and nuanced. But the kind of fun puzzle I love to explore with people. I often ask “well, how does coffee make you feel?”.

If you feel that it gently activates your Qi and gives you a sense of pleasure with a calm alertness—then great. If you feel all fucked up, anxious, sweaty and irritated then maybe it’s not your medicine?

Also, as with everything, it is about how, when and the quantity. If you have a special morning ritual that includes a mindful preparation and drinking of your coffee and you intake a moderate amount then beautiful.

Can you take days off and feel okay? Or are you using it as a way of masking your deep fatigue by jacking yourself up and then crashing 3 hours later? Is it affecting your sleep? Because, for some having caffeine too late in the day (the time is different for everyone) can be very stimulating and for others an espresso after dinner is totally fine and they sleep well.

As well the ingredients you add to your coffee matter. Are you saturating your cup with refined sugar and/or a large amount of processed milk products? Well, this may affect your blood sugar, liver and metabolism (aka too many empty calories that could increase adipose (fat) tissue and affect hormone balance).

There is also the cultural component that needs to be mentioned. For many coffee is apart of sharing food, time and good company, which is very important. A vital component to daily life.

So, in the end it really depends on the person and the relationship to the substance. Coffee is a plant, when grown without pesticides, prepared well, and enjoyed moderately I cannot use my doctor hat to say that it is bad for you. But I can say inquire and be honest with yourself. It could be affecting your health and some minor refinements, add ins or take outs, might help you feel better. Especially if you are a women having hormonal disruptions and cycle issues.

Big love to all the unique ways to do life!

Cheers Melody


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