Softening Into Winter

Our lives can easily be seduced by the capitalist drive to do, push, strive, strain, produce, and consume. The illusion of promised happiness at the end of a “busy day” can be at the cost of our health and well-being. Sometimes productivity offers us short term satisfaction and other times it leaves us feeling empty. Depending on what sacrifice it comes with.

I cherish winter energy, although I ran from it for years, because it illuminates our patterns of overriding our bodies needs. The strong yin energy can shine the light of awareness on how fast and hectically we move through a day. Beckoning us to settle, go slow and rest when tired.

It’s counter culture to choose a different pace. To consciously take time for slow moments without reaching for more is a radical practice. Shifting our internal voice to “you are enough” and “you are worthy” from conditioned and habitual language of “you are not enough” and “do more”. To catch the thoughts before they create an emotional reaction can make a huge shift in the way we feel.

For me traveling has been a great teacher the last two months. My days are slow and simple. It took some time to thaw out post licensing exam and unwind the tension I had accumulated in my body-heart-mind. I would catch myself in a perfectly pleasant moment with a sudden jolt of adrenaline accompanied by the thought “you need to do…” then a wiser voice would say “nothing, just this” and then peace arose spontaneously.

I have never been this kind to myself as I am right now. My inner language is softer and my life and body are responding beautifully. Creativity is abounding, connections are plentiful and simple moments feel rich.

Perhaps it’s both the European and Moroccan cultures kindness and pure magic that have permeated my outdated hyper-doing way but all I can say is it feels like a huge relief. Now with winter in full depth I look forward to anchoring into an even softer way of being. The energy we put into the world creates currents around us. If we want to shift the vibration of this world we must start within our own body-mind-heart.

May winter energy bring time for leisure, flow, depth, softness, pleasure, connection, sensuality, laughter, space, gratitude, simplicity, and play.

And remember on the dark days, we all have them, to turn your internal light on through cultivation practices that activate your true nature.

Shine, shine, shine beautiful souls.



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